Never fail, when someone meets Riley for the first time, they ask it. Is he a good baby?
Compared to what? He's a baby. He eats, he poops, he sleeps, he cries.
Also, he's my first, so I really don't have anything to compare him to. I do have stories. I can compare him to stories. I have had a handfull of women tell me that one of their babies had colic, and that they cried non stop. And I had another friend tell me that their first was just finicky all the time because he always wanted to be moving. As soon as he could get around by himself, he was fine. Other people have told me theirs wanted to eat every hour, or wouldn't sleep on their own. Poor Eddie hated being naked and screamed whenever his diaper was changed.
Of course I think the world of Riley and would never say he's a bad baby. He only screams when he's super hungry, and most of the time I can see it coming and feed him before he gets to the screaming. He gets finicky but it's normally really easy to fix. He sleeps on his own well, even if it's just for short periods of time. He entertains himself for good stretches of time by flailing his arms and legs and looking out the window or at a light. He normally eats every 2 or 3 hours, sometimes more often if he's having a growth spurt.
Naturally it all takes getting used to, and the adjustment period is rough on Collen and I both. Life is plenty challenging, sure. But a bad baby? Definitely not.
So is Riley a good baby? Yes, indeed he is a very good baby.
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