Thursday, March 3, 2011


I've been too busy to write anything here.

We've been out a couple times now without Riley. It's nice to get out, even though I start to miss him really quickly. We went all the way to Saginaw without him yesterday.

He's been doing really good. Most nights now he sleeps 5 or 6 hours straight. The trick is to let him fall asleep in the living room for a couple of hours, then feed him before laying him in his crib. He fills his tummy without fully waking up then sleeps the next 5 hours. It's been nice.

He's still growing really fast, he's wearing 6-9 month clothes now.

He's been holding his head up for several minutes during tummy time, he gets his tummy time on the boppy pillow, he doesn't do so well flat on the floor. And he's hold his body up straight when you carry and hold him. He can almost roll over, he gets half way there and gets stuck.

He grabs toys and blankets now. He'll grab them and get them to his mouth. He grabs for my arms when I change his diaper and he'll reach up while he's laying on his back.

Also he loves reading =) He reaches for the books, and he'll look at the book like he's trying to figure it out. It's so cute =)

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