Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year with the new family

Collen and I celebrated the new year with Riley last night at a friend's house. We exchanged kisses amongst the three of us at the stroke of midnight, as per tradition. It promises to be a fantastic, if not extremely exhausting and hectic year ahead.

Riley did very well last night. There were 10 adults including Collen and I, and for a short time there were 4 other children. It was loud and the kids were rambunctious but Riley took it all in with hardly a care in the world. He mostly just watched everyone and took in the new experience like a champ. He napped long enough for me to play a little Halo Reach with a few of the others, and he only peed on one item of clothing. Good thing, because we only had one back up with us.

Our friends Justin and Abby had their youngest there, I think he's 6 months old. He was really fascinated by Riley. He'd reach for his hands, and at one point he pulled Riley's sock off lol. I snapped a picture.

We have another Christmas get together this afternoon when Collen gets out of work. Riley will be meeting a large number of the Bigard family for the first time. I'm looking forward to it, and hope Riley continues to be such a good little guy in social settings.

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