Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I knew when we started talking about having a baby that my jewelry and crochet would have to take a back burner, being a new mommy would take up all my time. Not to mention beads and wire and my tools are all very dangerous where baby is concerned. The only way I would feel comfortable working with it again would be on a high table in a work room, which I don't have.

So I have to decide if I want to quit jewelry all together. It's hard to find time for myself, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to seclude my supplies in a work room where Riley can't get to them. I miss working on it, and selling it, but there are larger things to consider. Not to mention finding the money to buy supplies, since I've not worked since April.

I have not re-opened my Etsy shop yet. I've decided that I'm going to take what remains of my jewelry and take it to Art Reach downtown. Kim said she'd be more than happy to showcase it and sell it for me, taking their standard cut of the sale. Perhaps if it does well there, I can afford to re-open my Etsy shop.

Revisiting my stash of the jewelry I've made, I thought I'd post a few pictures of my favorite pieces. Some of these go as far back as my very first Etsy store started in 2006, it makes me so nostalgic =)

Crochet is just a much more infant/toddler friendly hobby, so I've been doing that a lot more. I guess we'll have to see what happens in the future.

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