Monday, January 3, 2011

6 weeks!

Riley is officially 6 weeks old!

We took him to a friend's house today and he slept through some Rock Band 3. He got fussy a couple times but overall he did really good. We're so fortunate to have such a well behaved little guy, I've heard from several people I know that one of their babies had colic, or was just really fussy in general. I didn't realize colic was so common. I can't even imagine the stress that goes along with a colicy baby, I have a hard enough time as it is keeping myself together when Collen has to work.

Riley is showing several signs of good development, as far as I can tell. He can now follow things with his eyes, when he wants to. He has great eye contact and he's making new noises. He can almost hold his pacifier by himself and at tummy time he tries getting his knees under him as well as lifting his head. His smiles seem more intentional and not just 'gas smiles' that they have in the beginning. He spends a little bit of time every day learning about his limbs and facial expressions, every day it seems I notice improvement. But he still doesn't have enough control to keep from scratching his face up when he's angry.

I've never made a new year's resolution. This year, I have a goal. To lose the extra 25 pounds I have left over from the pregnancy!

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